Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Topic of Homosexuality (revised)

I typed a blog last night, and I thought it was really good, so I published it without proof reading. After 12 hours, I was mauled by all these people saying horrible things about it. Some said I was too hateful, some said I wasn't factoring in this or that, some said that I was just wrong all together. So, I will admit that I was a little hateful, but to be honest, that's how God's word may seem sometimes. Today's society rules homosexuality as ok, when in reality, it's pure sin. Sin can be cured. However, if by stating the obvious everywhere, like I did, it comes across as mean and spiteful, which is the exact opposite of how christians should be. They should show love to these people as opposed to bashing them. However (another however), they should know that the lifestyle they are living is not of God, and that if the refuse to repent of their homosexuality, then yes, they are going to hell. The same goes for murderers, child molesters, alcoholics, or any other type of sin. All it is is sickness. Hopefully this is a nicer blog than the one yesterday!

1 comment:

Rose said...

I have a strong feeling that I would have agreed with your previous post. It is possible to love someone but hate their ways. Homosexuality is an abomination. Look at what the Bible tells us about Sodom and Gomorrah.