Saturday, June 14, 2008

Expanding The Religious Spectrum

Everyone wants to know the secret to life. They think that there must be some supernatural or strong force that either put us on this Earth, or is keeping us from leaving. For non-christians, it is fate. For the religiously active, that is faith.

However, there are still people out there looking for their purpose on this Earth. Those people are the lost; the ones christians are targeting. The sad thing is that these people are blind, spiritually. They don't realise that the key to happiness, everlasting life, success, joy, peace, togetherness; all these things lie in the best-selling book of all-time, The Bible.

The Bible is strong in more ways than some people these days realise. Inside that combination of cheap glue, slim paper, and pinpoint-sized ink is the truth, the "crumb trail" God left behind him after he made the Earth. That book is where everything we need to know for this life and the afterlife is stored. That book also houses guidelines, rules, punishments, creationism, the list goes on and on. What is sad though is that most people in our society today take this book and shrug it off like it's nothing.

What I can't stand more than anything these days is when peachers sugarcoat the Bible to add or take away anything they want (apparently they haven't read Rev. 22:19 & 20). People don't realise that God's word is very concrete. He doesn't use as much symbolism or metaphors as people like to think. For example, I have a friend who is no longer talking to me because I am intolerant of homosexuals. The Bible says verbatim that if a man loves a man, they WILL NOT go to heaven. It's not intolerance, it's the truth. Another example is that in modern society, women believe they can do anything they want in the world, which is the truth, they can. However, 1 Timothy 2:11-15 says that a woman cannot hold power over a man. It's not sexist, it's God's word. He also says that women will be saved through this submission, so don't feel bad ladies.

The real truth of the matter is that people are opinionated about God's word, which shouldn't be happening. It is worthless to have all these denominations or alternate religions when all of them are getting something wrong. I think it is time for churches to stop trying to get people into the church, but to look at the people they already have and make sure they are getting the full story.

If you are a football coach, are you going to do better having 1000 really weak guys, or 50 strong players?

We, as christians, need to evaluate the word we teaching, and maybe get a few things in our lives on the right track, before going out there and trying to help others. I put a poll over on the sidebar and I want everyone who reads this to vote for what they think about the Bible. I will express how people think in July.


Anonymous said...

Well said.

Rose said...

Nick, Before I comment, can you please exxplain what you believe the verse means by women holding no power over man? Also, what is your opinion of Joel Osteen? I have been reading one of his books and I listen to him speak every chance I get. thanks. Rose*