Saturday, February 16, 2008


Not really a blog, but a fun announcement! I started this blog one year ago today, just a cool fact

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

If Faith Were A Prescription, Call Me Ashley Olsen

There is a problem I have seen going around school, and I hate it with a passion. There are two different types of christians, according to Wren High School, those who go to church, and those who take church with them. There are multiple kids there who claim they are christians, but definatly don't live a Godly life or attitude. They say "Oh I go to church, and my parents are christians". I'm about to blow your mind if that is your logic, it doesn't matter how your parents are. Your parents can't buy your way into heaven, no matter what they want you to believe. That work has to be done by you and you alone. I'm also perfectly aware that it is high school and there is peer pressure out the butthole, and that makes it very hard to live and declare yourself Christ-like, but don't let that be your excuse. I hate to make people sad by this, but God doesn't take any excuses. It's his way, or no way. Plain and simple. Now as a side note, I would like to congratulate those students reading this, and know exactly what I mean. If you agree with 92% of what I'm saying, good for you. Heck, if you only agree with some of it, thats still good, keep living the good life, cause it will pay off. As for those I describe, don't give up hope. The best gift we can ever get, we get everyday, forgiveness.