Sunday, September 27, 2009

What Does The Church and AIG Have In Common?

The church is in trouble!

Quite a blunt statement to start off a blog with, but it's the truth. People can throw numbers out there left and right about this many people getting saved and that many people going to Jesus. However, the more and more I hear about this, the more I see society fall to the wayside. I heard a statistic that every day 76,000 people are lead to the Lord. What I find most curious, if that is a victory, then where is the evidence of it?

The fact is that people and churches are replacing what people want to hear about the world instead of preaching what is Biblical, God-given truth. It shocks me today to see christians support gay marriage, even though the Bible is very clear about it being a sin (I Corinthians 6:9-10). The problem is that we are so wrapped up inside the world and what the world says, we get confused with what is and isn't Biblical reality.

If the Bible claims the world as darkness, and darkness is the absence of light, and light is described as GOD, then why do we turn to others for our opinion on the world instead of turning to what GOD says?

The problem is that churches and people care more about entertainment of a church than they do about the actual message itself. Any sports team will tell you that games are much better than practice, but without practice, the games become hogwash. I know some christians who won't even attend another church because they don't have a band or a dynamic pastor. Doesn't the main support of being a christian come from being able to stand up on your own two feet for GOD? Your preacher isn't going to be able to stand beside you on judgement day and tell GOD all the nice things you've done in life; you're the one who has to face it yourself.

This blog was WAY more blunt than most of my previous blogs, but sometimes, the fuse is a little shorter than on other bombs.

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