Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Church Optimus Prime Would Attend

*The main reason for this is only pure opinion, I do not intend on insulting anyone's religious beliefs, sinful ways, or church preferences. If you know anyone I mention, even though I do not give exact names, please do not exploit them Also, if I have offended you in any way, talk to me, cause thats not the reason for this blog*

Lately, I have had this struggle with mega-churches, like Newspring, Marathon, Rock Springs, etc., and the religion supporting it.

Problem 1: I have talked to people who go to these mega-churches, and if I saw some of them walking the streets, I wouldn't be able to know the difference between if they are pure of heart or just a good person. One person backed me up saying that their church baptises 200 people each week. Thats awesome! One thing though, where are they? If you have all these people coming to Christ, then why aren't they making a difference, or spreading the witness? I have also heard that certain people coming down to the alter and crying every single Sunday. Thats a problem. You shouldn't be having these big huge revelations week after week. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the alter at all, I LOVE THE ALTER!, but when you are making commitments every Sunday, that I normally would every year, then you truly aren't seeing the beauty of Christ full-on.

Problem 2: Massive churches like that are big for mainly only one reason, entertainment. I love getting pumped for Jesus, screaming and moshing is a blast, but every week is ridiculous. Sometimes, people need to hear the truth. "You are saved! Now you get into heaven without any question!" WRONG!!! Sometimes, it's hard being a christian. There are some days at school where I want to curse, or nights when I want to look at pornography, but I know how to handle them because my church has prepared me, as opposed to teaching me only about how good GOD is. I want the church to tell me the truth. "Sometimes faith isn't easy, it takes time, and it takes downfall. Everyone is going to fall, bad. You need to have the strength to get back up and not give in once things get hard", which are things I hear some Sundays.

Problem 3: Why the heck do pastor's need body guards? Shouldn't a man who has dedicated his life to Christ have enough faith to be able to walk to "the stage" and not need 3 big guys following him? I heard that some of these pastors have body guards, and I wanted to cry. You shouldn't have worries during a Sunday morning service, ITS CHURCH! There shouldn't even be people who want to kill a pastor in a church anyways. Am I saying ignore bad people in a church? No, not at all, those are the ones we need to help. But those body guards put up a big sign that says, "I'm scared of helping the lost, so I'm going to have these big guys between me and a lost soul, so I can't make close contact with him and don't get hurt" Thats wrong!

I laid it on pretty thick in this blog! Its just something I had to get out there!

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